Unique Outdoor Market Located in Historic Gruene, Texas.
Gruene Lokal Marketplatz welcomes Texas local Cash-n-Carry vendors - Creative Pop-up Boutiques, Creative Artisans, and RE-sell product vendors with inventory available, to sell their goods.
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Outdoor market/shopping - Every 1st Saturday (Not Sunday!) 9.30-5pm of every month with the exception of December (3rd Saturday).
Gruene Lokal Marketplatz welcomes Texas local Cash-n-Carry vendors - Creative Pop-up Boutiques, Creative Artisans, RE-sell product vendors with inventory available, to sell their goods. Anything from jams & jellies, dog treats, revamped jewelry, seasonal wreaths, sun hats, knives, leather/woodworks, unique gifts, sweet treats and much more for the whole family and dog friendly.